Newsletter August 22, 2024
From the Principal
In the light of Christ
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
National Gallery Victoria (NGV) Excursion
Wellbeing- Positive Behaviour and Learning
Teaching and Learning
Program Support Group (PSG) Meeting
SIMON everywhere app
Mini Olympics with the Foundation students
Language at Our Lady of the Way
MakerSpace Incursion in Term 3
Kids with Cancer Foundation
Parents and Friends
Book covering help needed!
Specialist Days-Semester 2
Winter Uniform
Music Lessons
Before and After School Care
Assumption College, Kilmore
Craigieburn Swimming Instructors
From the Principal
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of the Our Lady of the Way Community,
I have the wonderful opportunity to participate in a Pilgrimage entitled Pathways of St Paul with 13 other Principals from MACS Schools. The Pilgrimage will take place during the last 2 weeks of Term 3. We will begin in Athens Greece and conclude in Ephesus Turkey, travelling through the areas that St Paul preached and work with the communities of the Early Church.
As a group of School Leaders, we have been preparing for this for the past 18 months with our formation for the experience being led by Dr Rosemary Canavan, Senior Lecturer in the New Testament at Catholic Theological College. Dr Canavan has led us through the Acts of the Apostles with specific focus on St Pauls work in the communities of Corinth, Phillippi, Thessalonica and Ephesus. I look forward to sharing my experience with the School and Parish Community upon my return.
In my absence Mrs Annette Moore will be Acting Principal supported by the other members of the School Leadership Team.
Best wishes,
Enrolments for Years 1 to 6 are currently open and we have limited places available in most year levels. If you know of anyone that is thinking about applying for a position can you please encourage them to get their application in. Applications are available on the school website
If your child is not going to be continuing at Our Lady of the Way in 2025 I ask that you let Mrs Jodie Barnes know via the admin email ASAP. We have a waiting list in many levels and this may give the opportunity for another family to join our
A reminder to all parents that your first point of contact with the school is through your child’s teacher. If further support is needed the teacher can then liaise with the Year Level Leader and Leadership Team members to initiate support and create a plan to resolve the issue. On most occasions the parental concerns can be worked through quite easily, however, at other times it does take time. School Staff will always be open to communicate with parents in line with the Communication Policy listed under "Forms & Documents", located on the left hand panel.
At this time of year there are many illnesses going around, and we need to try and do all we can to lessen the spread of germs and diseases. Many students are arriving at school with cough and cold symptoms. If your child is unwell they will be asked to wear a mask whilst they remain in first aid until a parent arrives to collect them.
There is a teacher on yard duty until 3.30pm to supervise students. We understand, occasionally that there are delays out of the ordinary that prevent parents from making school pick up by this time. If this is the case, please call the office to advise us. Students need to remain with yard duty teachers until 3.30pm. If students have not been collected by 3.30pm, they will wait outside the office whilst staff contact parents.
With the recent rain, the mud is increasing and we have had many students looking for spare clothes after they have had a fall in the mud outside. Please supply a spare pair of socks, underwear and pants for your child in case this happens.
Please see the image below which shows where to locate the links to the calendar in this new format. The underlined section also indicates where the language can be changed.
In the light of Christ
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
We are proud supporters of the St.Vincent De Paul Annual Winter Appeal, and this year is no different. Especially during this time of the year when the days are chilly and the nights freezing, we are thinking of those in our community who need help getting through Winter.
If you are able to spare any non-perishable food items or Winter necessities. We will be collecting and donating them to St. Vincent De Paul in August.
Some suggestions include:
Milk UHT Cereal Coffee Teabags Sugar
Tins of baked beans Rice Biscuits Tinned Soup Pasta sauce
Tinned tomatoes Noodles Sweet or dry biscuits Pasta Jam
Donations can be made in the classroom Winter Appeal Basket in each room.
We would be most grateful for any donations you can make. Our Mini Vinnie Team will be promoting this drive at Community Prayer and in classrooms.
National Gallery Victoria (NGV) Excursion
On Thursday August 15th, which happened to be the Feast of the Assumption, our 2024 Heart of Mary Award recipients headed off for a day of reflection at the National Gallery of Victoria.
We were able to explore the gallery in two smaller groups. The Years Four to Six students explored the various Christian artworks and pieces that reflect our rich faith tradition. The Foundation to Year Three students flew through the gallery on a whistle-stop tour, viewing a variety of interesting pieces from around the world.
We came together for a shared lunch in the Great Hall courtyard, and gazed at the stained glass roof whilst lying on the floor.
At the end of the day, as we lined up to board our bus, our gallery guide Dave rushed out behind us and gifted the school a large bag of art resources. The gallery staff were blown away by the respect, engagement and patience of our students.
Special thanks to Mrs. Erica Van Rhine and Mrs. Sarah Smith for accompanying us on the day.
Elyse McHardy
Religious Education Leader
Exploring the gallery
Wellbeing- Positive Behaviour and Learning
“I follow adult directions"
"I am in the right place at the right time"
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on two PBL expectations as we learn and practice our new bell routine.
At the start of the day, before breaks and at the end of the breaks you will hear the bell sound, music and then the bell.
The first bell alerts us that it is time to start moving. The music playing allows us to move safely, without running to where we need to be. The final bell tells us we should be lined up as our teachers will be waiting.
Over the next few weeks we will be practicing these routines with our teachers so that we demonstrate Respect and Responsibility.
"Wellbeing Wonderings"
Wellbeing resources which are used at school
A number of people have asked me, on occasion, where do we find the resources which are used at the school to support the students and their families? The answer is that we draw both internally and externally from many different providers. Below is a list of the organisations we use or are affiliated with.
Wellbeing quote of the week:
"There are people whose feelings and well-being are within our influence. We can never escape this fact."
- Hugh Prather (American author 1938-2010)
Have a great week,
Daniel Phelan
Mental Health Wellbeing Leader.
Teaching and Learning
Book Week dress up day is on tomorrow at 9.30am.
The whole school will enjoy an incursion "Your books to life show" on Tuesday, August 27th.
On Friday, September 20 all students can come dressed in footy clothes or colours! Please bring a gold coin donation.
All monies raised will go to Catholic Mission.
Program Support Group (PSG) Meeting
Bookings are now available on PAM to book a Program Support Group (PSG) meeting
Parents of students who are currently on a Personalised Learning Program (PLP) or students who have a Medical Management Plan (Annual Action Plan) for medical conditions, are invited to a Program Support Group (PSG) meeting for Semester 2, 2024.
The purpose of the PSG meeting is for the parent/s, classroom teacher and Learning Diversity or Wellbeing Leader to discuss your child's current learning goals, progress and work collaboratively set new goals and adjustments that will support the student's learning.
PSG meetings are also offered to parents of those students who have ongoing medical conditions which require a medical management plan, so that we can review the annual action plan, ensure we have accurate and up to date information and for parents/carers to sign the required documentation.
Please select from the available dates to book a PSG meeting with the Classroom Teacher and either the Learning Diversity Leader (Mrs Nicole Pegler) and/or Deputy Principal/ Wellbeing Leader (Mrs Annette Moore). For medical management plans, the School First aid Officer (Mrs Trudy Sellner) may be in attendance.
We prefer that you attend in person, however we are also offering online or a school initiated phone call for your convenience.
A guide to help you book your PSG meeting on PAM is attached, however, should you require any support to book the PSG or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school office or email; nicole.pegler@ourladywallan.
SIMON everywhere app
The SIMON everywhere app can be downloaded and used to access the PAM (Parent Access Module). This is where absences can be logged, medical details updated, access reports and view attendance records. Please see the video below to assist in navigating your way around the app.
Mini Olympics with the Foundation students
The Assumption College students help with the mini Olympics.
This week our Foundation students had their own mini Olympics with assistance from some Assumption College students.
The students had lots of fun participating in the activities.
Language at Our Lady of the Way
MakerSpace Incursion in Term 3
In Week 5 of term 3 we celebrated Science Week. We were lucky enough to have awesome weather and welcomed Cran Middlecoat from "It's Rocket Science" present for us.
Cran taught us all about Rockets, space, how things move and the effect of forces to make things fly. The children were so excited when he launched from some foam rockets during his presentation and had so many questions that Cran was more than happy to answer.
At lunchtime Cran turned our school oval into a Rocket Launch site and some children were able to have a turn at pumping the rockets in order to make them launch.
Kids with Cancer Foundation
Last year Deanna, a student in 2C, decided to grow her hair for a very special cause. To make wigs for kids with cancer. During the term holidays it was time for the big chop. She cut over 20cm of hair off to donate. All of us in 2C are very proud of her and thought we should share some before and after pictures so you can see what an awesome job Deanna did.
Well done Deanna for sharing the love with people you don't know, following in the footsteps of Christ.
Before and after Deanna's big chop!
Parents and Friends
Parents and Friends are selling Sand Art kits. The kits are $50.00 each and have 10 different pictures to create. The boxes can be ordered via CDF Pay. No cash orders will be accepted.
All orders will be sent home with your child.
The money raised from these boxes will go towards paying for the sensory room, Sports Day BBQs and extra activities like croissants on Bastille Day. Parents and Friends supplied all the sausages for the Winter Sausage Sizzle too!
Sand Art
Book covering help needed!
We have bags of books to be covered in contact. If you are able to assist with this task, please come to the office and collect a bag.
Specialist Days-Semester 2
Foundation A | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation B | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation C | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation D | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Winter Uniform
A reminder to all girls that leggings are not part of the school uniform. The winter uniform is either a kilt or long navy pants. Leggings are not to be worn. Images of the winter uniform are below. This image does not have the school woollen jumper or the soft cell jacket which are also part of our Winter Uniform. Please ensure that the uniform your child is wearing adheres to our uniform policy. This includes school shoes. Shoes need to be all black and I emphasise the all. No other colour should be visible. On sport days your child can wear any colour runners. Thank you for your continued support with this matter.
Music Lessons
Before and After School Care
Assumption College, Kilmore
Our Lady of the Way has partnered with 441 Coffee to support a fabulous cause and raise funds for cancer research into Ewing Sarcoma. Profit from the sales of each packet of coffee beans is paid directly to cancer research to help improve treatment and find a cure for this disease.
Please refer to the below link -
Our Lady of the Way community are eligible for a 30% discount on all 441 Coffee beans. All people have to do is enter WH or wh (lower case or capitals, either way will work) in the ‘Discount Code’ section prior to paying for their coffee beans to receive the discount.
The Story
Our Lady of the Way relationship with charity organisations has led to the opportunity to support this cause. In honour of his dear friend and colleague, Brendon ‘KB’ WARBURTON, Kyle GEMMILL (Lace from Grade 2, father) ran 441 km over 7 days in 2023, an incredible feat, to raise over $145,000 towards this rare and aggressive cancer.
Please refer to the below link -
KB's Legacy - One Step at a Time (
441 Coffee has been sourced from premium coffee providers so please consider ordering 441 Coffee, knowing that each cup of coffee assists with research into this rare cancer and is in step with supporting our charity organisations.
Kyle Gemmill
President of KB's Legacy - One Step at a Time