Newsletter July 25, 2024
From the Principal
SIMON everywhere app
In the light of Christ
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
Wellbeing- Positive Behaviour and Learning
Wellbeing Wonderings
Teaching and Learning
Language at Our Lady of the Way
National Tree Day
Book covering help needed!
Specialist Days-Semester 2
Winter Uniform
Music Lessons
Before and After School Care
Assumption College, Kilmore
From the Principal
Dear Parents, Staff, Students and Friends of the Our Lady of the Way Community,
Welcome back to Term 3. Our start to Term 3 has certainly been a wintery one. I hope that you and your families had a wonderful break over the holidays. It was wonderful to see the children arrive back and quickly return to the structures and routines of good learning practices. We look forward to a wonderful term of learning and teaching and positive social interactions.
We are currently at the point of sending out offers of places for Foundation students for 2025. This is an exciting time for many of our families but a nervous one for some others. We have 100 places for 2025 and at last check we have had 164 applications and 190 expressions of interest. Once again, some families who wish to be part of our school community will miss out. This is unfortunate but it is the reality of our situation. In 2025 we will have 4 classes of Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4, Year 5 and 3 classes Year 6. This will total 27 classes with an enrolment in excess of 700. Enrolments for Years 1 to 6 are currently open and we have limited places available in most year levels. If you know of anyone that is thinking about applying for a position can you please encourage them to get their application in. Applications are available on the
school website
If your child is not going to be continuing at Our Lady of the Way in 2025 I ask that you let Mrs. Jodie Barnes know via the admin email ASAP. We have a waiting list in many levels and this may give the opportunity for another family to join our community.
An announcement was made in the last week of Term 2 by MACS and the Victorian State Government that Early Learning Centres would be built on the sites of various Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne and Our Lady of the Way is one of those sites. The ELC will include three-year-old kindergarten and 4-year-old pre-Prep rooms, plus a range of other services for school children and families in the broader community. This is a very exciting development for our School and local community. The projection is that it will be open for operation at the beginning of Term 1 2026. Sitting along side the new ELC will be our Multi-Purpose Hall. These projects will be built concurrently so our Multi-Purpose Hall will be open for us by the beginning of Term 1 2026. The hall will provide us with the space for PE classes, whole school gatherings,
community events as well as classrooms for music and performing arts. The site for these buildings will be on the Newbridge Boulevard side of our site, between the road and the current Foundation Building. I will share the plans when they are
30 Alcantara Blvd, Wallan East, 3756
Ph 8609 1784 Mob 0452503643
Until further notice the grass playing area where the AFL goal posts are will be closed off as it is too wet to use. This means that we are condensed to the playgrounds, soccer pitch and basketball courts for recess and lunch. When this occurs there are no basketballs, soccer balls or footballs permitted outside during recess and lunchtime. So, I ask that children leave their personal footballs, soccer balls and basketballs at home until the oval is available for use.
I reminded all the children at Community Prayer last week about the need to be safe at all times around school. This was specifically directed to those students who ride their bikes or scooters to school. All children need to get off their bike or scooter once they enter the school grounds, which includes the car parks, and walk them to the bike shed. This applies in reverse at the end of the day where children must walk out of the school grounds. I also spoke to the children about making sure that the pedestrian paths are used when walking towards the school gates rather than walking along the car park driveway. I ask that you talk with your children and reinforce these safety measures with them to ensure we are all acting in a safe manner around cars and car parks. All students should be wearing a helmet when riding a bike or scooter to school.
As per the email sent to all families yesterday, we currently have a leak in our water mains. We have organised a plumber to correct the fault and he is booked in for Monday, July 29th. This means that our water supply to the school will need to be shut off for the whole day. MACS have identified that with no water on site it means we will have no toilets or drinking water. This creates an OH&S issue as well as a Child Safety Issue and therefore will have to close the whole School Site for the day.
Please note that as it is a site issue the Church will also be impacted therefore OSHC will not be available on site on Monday, July 29th. The children will be provided with some work to do at home for the day.
Thank you for your understanding and support with this unfortunate situation.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
At this time of year there are many illnesses going around, and we need to try and do all we can to lessen the spread of germs and diseases. Many students are arriving at school with cough and cold symptoms. If your child is unwell they will be asked to wear a mask whilst they remain in first aid until a parent arrives to collect them.
There is a teacher on yard duty until 3.30pm to supervise students. We understand, occasionally that there are delays out of the ordinary that prevent parents from making school pick up by this time. If this is the case, please call the office to advise us. Students need to remain with yard duty teachers until 3.30pm. If students have not been collected by 3.30pm, they will wait outside the office whilst staff contact parents.
With the recent rain, the mud is increasing and we have had many students looking for spare clothes after they have had a fall in the mud outside. Please supply a spare pair of socks, underwear and pants for your child in case this happens.
Please see the image below which shows where to locate the links to the calendar in this new format. The underlined section also indicates where the language can be changed.
Health Department Alert – Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
The Victorian Health Department recently issued a public notice in relation to an increasing number of cases of whooping cough (pertussis) in Victoria, particularly among children aged 10-12. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness known for causing a cough, and can lead to life threatening infections in babies. Many babies who get pertussis catch it from older children and adults who might not even know they are infected.
Pertussis usually begins with cold-like symptoms, such as a dry cough (occurring in bouts), characteristic 'whooping' sound when breathing in, tiredness, runny nose, and low-grade fever. Please speak to your doctor (GP) and seek a diagnosis if your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms. Early identification and separation are crucial in preventing the spread to other children.
Pertussis is mostly spread to other people by droplets from coughing or sneezing, so good hygiene practices and immunisations help prevent the spread. Immunisations are particularly important for infants and pregnant women.
If pertussis is diagnosed, your GP will advise on appropriate treatments. If you have any questions, please
speak to your GP.
Legislated Exclusion Periods
For diagnosed cases:
• The treating doctor can provide specific advice in relation to exclusion periods from school, and can verify when exclusion periods can be ended.
• Children diagnosed with pertussis to be exclude from primary schools and children’s services for a minimum period of 21 days after the onset of cough, or until they have completed 5 days of a course of antibiotic treatment.
• The treating doctor will complete the required notifications to the Department of Health
• Schools should notify MACS via the report form on CEVN or at
For contacts of diagnosed cases:
• The exclusion requirement only applies to contacts who meet all three of these criteria:
o aged less than 7 years;
o in the same room as the child with the diagnosed case; and
o have not received three effective doses of pertussis vaccine
• Children meeting these criteria should be excluded for 14 days after the last exposure to the infectious case, or until they have taken 5 days of a course of effective antibiotic treatment.
SIMON everywhere app
The SIMON everywhere app can be downloaded and used to access the PAM (Parent Access Module). This is where absences can be logged, medical details updated, access reports and view attendance records. Please see the video below to access assist in navigating your way around the app.
In the light of Christ
St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
We are proud supporters of the St.Vincent De Paul Annual Winter Appeal, and this year is no different. Especially during this tine of the year when the days are chilly and the nights freezing, we are thinking of those in our cimmunity who need help getting through Winter.
If you are able to spare any non-perishable food items or Winter necessities. We will be collecting and donating them to St. Vincent De Paul in August
Some suggestions include:
Milk UHT Cereal Coffee Teabags Sugar
Tins of baked beans Rice Biscuits Tinned Soup Pasta sauce
Tinned tomatoes Noodles Sweet or dry biscuits Pasta Jam
Donations can be made in the classroom Winter Appeal Basket in each room.
We would be most grateful for any donations you can make. Our Mini Vinnie Team will be promoting this drive at Community Prayer and in classrooms.
Wellbeing- Positive Behaviour and Learning
“I follow adult directions"
"I am in the right place at the right time"
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on two PBL expectations as we learn and practice our new bell routine.
At the start of the day, before breaks and at the end of the breaks you will hear the bell sound, music and then the bell.
The first bell alerts us that it is time to start moving. The music playing allows us to move safely, without running to where we need to be. The final bell tells us we should be lined up as our teachers will be waiting.
Over the next few weeks we will be practicing these routines with our teachers so that we demonstrate Respect and Responsibility.
Wellbeing Wonderings
Welcome back for Term 3.
It has been terrific to see the lovely, settled way the students have approached their return to school this term. While the weather is not exactly conducive to spending quality time outside on the yard, the students have dealt with these limitations in a sensible and safe manner.
Parent Teacher Chats
These have taken place this term during the first and second week and it has been great to hear from parents, just how proud they are of their children’s progress and reports. It took me to thinking about my school days and how those chats weren’t always positive, yet my parents were able to discuss the teachers comments with me in a respectful and nurturing manner. This is the key to communication with our children at all times, particularly when ‘big’ or ‘difficult’ issues arise or are brought to our attention by them.
Below are some tips for effectively communicating with your child/ren on a range of matters.
- If there is time, plan ahead for the conversation. Choose a time when you are both relaxed to avoid conflict.
- Choose a comfortable and relaxed place to talk.
- Listen attentively to your child. Try to sit at their eye level and repeat their feelings back to them so that you understand what they are saying.
- Let your children know that they can ask you questions at any time during the conversation.
- Be available to provide cuddles, if required, by your child.
Storybooks (particularly picture books) can be a very useful tool for discussing difficult topics. Check in with your local or the school library for possible titles to assist you.
Wellbeing quote of the week: “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” — Aristotle.
Have a great week,
Daniel Phelan
Mental Health Wellbeing Leader.
Teaching and Learning
Book week dress up day is on Friday, August 23rd. The whole school will enjoy an incursion "Your books to life show" on Tuesday, August 27th.
Language at Our Lady of the Way
On Thursday July 18, Our Lady of the Way celebrated Bastille Day! The theme was tied in with the Olympics because this year the Olympics are in Paris. Students looked at the Olympic mascots and created their own mascots that they think reflect French culture. They all wore something like the people in France or the French Flag colours.
Find out what the students did in all year levels:
Foundation students created an Olympic torch.
Year 1's and 2's made little French men and Olympic torches
Year 3's learnt about Break dancing becoming a new sport in the Paris Olympics
Year 4's made the Olympic rings using origami.
Year 5's created Eiffel towers out of straws
Year 6's created French buildings made out of straws
We had lots of fun in an incursion run by Phillipe et Jacques. Phillipe played his accordion while he challenged his friend Jacques the mime to different actions. Phillipe made Jacques do things like picking a flower, tricking him into making himself stuck in a box and making him drink poison that Jacques thought was water.
Students also helped make an Olympic flag. All students put one finger print on an Olympic ring. Each year level had a different colour to use.
Foundation-blue, Years 1 & 2 -black, Years 3 & 4 -red and Year 5 & 6 -yellow. Staff also took part in this activity where the colour is green.
As the culutal captains, we spent all day working on this activity making sure it was done right.
We’d like to thank the P&F team for organising the croissants and volunteering their time. We’d also like to thank Woolworths for donating some croissants.
Thanks to all the people who participated and made the day so much fun! By Tilly Peterson and Gurleen Kaur
Bastille Day activities
National Tree Day
5A Students Celebrate National Tree Day with Landcare
On July 24th, the students of 5A participated in National Tree Day, an initiative encouraging Australians to give back to the community and the environment. We were fortunate to have Chris Cobern from Landcare join us for the event. Chris generously donated a variety of native plants to our school and came equipped with all the necessary materials.
Chris provided a hands-on demonstration, teaching the students how to safely use the tools and plant the native species. The students eagerly dug in, applying their new skills to help beautify our school grounds and contribute to the local ecosystem.
In addition to planting, we also put up two nesting boxes on the big gum tree outside the church, providing a safe habitat for local birds and wildlife.
National Tree Day was an enriching experience for the students, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and community spirit. A big thank you to Chris Cobern and Landcare for their invaluable support!
Tree Planting
Book covering help needed!
We have bags of books to be covered in contact. If you are able to assist with this task, please come to the office and collect a bag.
Specialist Days-Semester 2
Foundation A | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation B | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation C | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Foundation D | MONDAY | WEDNESDAY |
Winter Uniform
A reminder to all girls that leggings are not part of the school uniform. The winter uniform is either a kilt or long navy pants. Leggings are not to be worn. Images of the winter uniform are below. This image does not have the school woollen jumper or the soft cell jacket which are also part of our Winter Uniform. Please ensure that the uniform your child is wearing adheres to our uniform policy. This includes school shoes. Shoes need to be all black and I emphasise the all. No other colour should be visible. On sport days your child can wear any colour runners. Thank you for your continued support with this matter.